RPLaw Our ServicesAdvance Directives and Care Planning:

In the event of a medical emergency, how would you like to be treated? If you were unable to communicate, how would you ensure your voice would still be heard? Who would be making critical healthcare and financial decisions for you on your behalf? At Robin Patrowicz Law, we ensure your voice is heard through advance directives and care planning strategies. We help to prepare and execute the following legal documents for you such as:

POWER OF ATTORNEY - a legal document designating one or more persons who can serve as your agent or financial decision-maker. The Power of Attorney allows you to choose who will act on your behalf and outlines the extent of those powers.

MEDICAL SURROGATE - a legal document allowing you to place an agent or agents to communicate your medical wishes if you cannot do so. This document will allow you to document your health care wishes identifying specific procedures you accept and those you refuse.

HIPPA FORM - (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a privacy agreement to protect your medical records and personal health information.

PRE-NEED GUARDIAN -  a legal document that allows you to name a person to serve as guardian of your physical being and property in the event you become mentally and physically disabled and can no longer manage your affairs.

LIVING WILL - states in the event of medical conditions that you may not recover from, you can decide what medical care should be employed.

WILL - allows you to specify who and how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed and what final arrangements you wish your family to follow upon your passing.

Asset Protection Strategies

You work hard all your life building your estate, how can you legally safeguard your assets? There are strategies for you and for your beneficiaries. Asset protection allows legal protection from creditors which will ensure that your possessions won't be dwindled away through payment to nursing homes and long-term care expenses. Let the legal team at Robin Patrowicz help protect what belongs to you.

To identify how to effectively protect your assets, call Robin P. Law to determine the strategy that is right for you.

Medicaid Application

Navigating the complexities of Medicaid can be overwhelming. But, you don't have to go through this process alone. Our team specializes in Medicaid planning and applications. We guide you through the eligibility requirements and help you to secure the benefits you deserve.

Probate Avoidance Strategies

Oftentimes we hear, "I am protected from probate because I have a will." Your will is simply a guideline for the probate judge. Probate can be costly, time-consuming, and create unnecessary conflict amongst family members. Speak with the team at Robin P. Law to discover if there are benefits to probate or if you should employ probate avoidance strategies for your assets.


Know Your Options.     Empower Your Future.     Preserve Your Legacy.